Thursday, 27 December 2012
Tour de Lamno-SBY 1st Anniversary
Friday, 1 June 2012
Sparta Road to Bukit Radar.
kalo dikalender sih itu adalah tanggal merah, hari libur karena memperingat kenaikan isa almasih bagi kaum nasrani, tapi bagi kami kaum sparta sby club, itu adalah hari libur untuk saatnya menaiki bukit, haha. Yap kami kaum sparta kembali mencetak REKOR baru dengan berhasil tembus rute yang lumayan berat : Darussalam – blang bintang - bukit radar – krueng raya – benteng inong balee. Jarak tempuh total diperkirakan 75 km.
Perjalanan yang jauh dan melelahkan pastinya, dari yang tersesat, cidera lutut, sampai minum air bak mandi semuanya ada dicerita kali ini, dan untuk pertama kali sepanjang cerita perjalanan sparta, ini adalah trip dengan durasi paling lama, pergi pagi pulangnya malam. penasaran?? sok atuh dibaca
Pukul 07.00 sesuai kesepakatan kita semua kumpul dulu di warung kopi diseputaran darussalam, breakfast dan cek semua logistik. Namun karena hujan deras yang datang tiba2, keberangkatanpun terpaksa delay, sekitar pukul 9.00 baru akhirnya kita berangkat. Jalanan yang basah dan becek membuat kayuhan terasa berat, itu wajar ya, sesuai dengan hukum fisika “gaya gesek yang besar mengakibatkan perlambatan kecepatan” *ntah iya pun :D yang jelas kondisi jalan yang becek kayak gini membuat kami pada kotor semua, tapi kami senang, karena kata rinso “Berani kotor itu baik” itu artinya kami adalah cowo baik. haha

dari darussalam menuju bukit radar, akan melewati bandara dulu dan wajib poto2 dulu. jepreeet

dari bandara kita langsung go ke bukit radar, jalannya masih basah.

isi ulang angin

anda memasuki daerah militer TNI au, kecepatan 40km/jam, nah ini pintu gerbang menuju bukit radar
Secara keseluruhan, medan dirute kali ini lumayan landai, jalannya lebar, beraspal juga, walaupun sebagian besar jalannya sedang dalam perbaikan. Cuma pada saat turunan aja yang medannya lumayan ekstrem, soalnya kondisi jalannya hancur abis, banyak lobang2 yg gak bisa diprekdiksi, trus batu-batunya juga gak kecil2 amat, apalagi dengan kec tinggi, kami harus ekstra fokus dan optimal mengontrol sepeda. Loncat, rem, loncat, rem, blaassst kerikil2 kecil berhamburan, beuuh keren abis. haha.
yang paling keren itu adalh ketika kami berhasil mendarat dengan selamat.

yang penting Gaya

Tanjakan bos.. dorong dorong

Kenapa dinamakan bukit radar?? karena rupanya di bukit ini memang ada stasiun radar, “Stasiun Radar MSSR Bandara Sultan Iskandar Muda” namanya. Lokasinya ada dipuncak bukit, view dari sini keren banget, banda aceh keliatan kecil, pantai krueng raya juga terlihat indah :D tapi sayang kamera kami kurang mendukung untuk mengambil picture jarak jauh, jadi ya gak bisa mengabadikan momen bagus itu
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Ekspedisi Air Terjun Kuta Malaka
Sunday, 18 March 2012
SBY – Speda Buatga Ya
Monday, 27 February 2012
Menjamu tamu
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Ini liburan
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Nutrisi Jasmani
Monday, 26 December 2011
Buku Holic
Monday, 19 December 2011
Keceriaan kunang-kunang
Young Leaders 'Summit'
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Kunang-kunang di zamrud khatulistiwa
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Second THE Fair
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Book, Pack and Gooo
Friday, 11 February 2011
Mencari Semangat yang redup
Desa Burlah, kecamatan Ketol, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, 01 Februari 2011. Sekitar jam 16.15 rombongan Bakti Sosial Gerakan Mahasiswa Peduli Rakyat (Gempur) Aceh Pemerintah Mahasiswa (PEMA) Universitas Syiah Kuala yang berjumlah 45 orang tiba dengan sehat wal afiat. Rombongan kami yang diangkut dengan 5 mobil minibus disambut dengan senyuman dan keramahan warga desa Burlah. Masyarakat menyambut kami seakan-akan seperti menyambut saudara yang sudah lama tak berjumpa, terutama yang ibu-ibu seakan menyatu dan langsung akrab dengan masyarakat.
Aku salah satu relawan Gempur dan juga diamanahkan untuk mengkomandoi kawan-kawan relawan lainnya mencoba untuk menyapa dan membaur dengan masyarakat yang akan menjadi perhatian, sasaran bahkan teman untuk 10 hari kedepan. Walaupun dalam perjalanan keberangkatan dari kampus menuju desa sasaran dilalui dengan banyak rintangan dan permasalahan. Mulai dari pengaturan logistic dan transportasi relawan sebelum keberangkatan sampai dengan ulah sopir yang mengesalkan.
Saat kuinjakkan langkah pertama di desa Burlah, masih kusimpan energy dan semangat untuk mengabdi, setelah menurunkan smua barang dan logistic ke rumah kost kami (sebutan untuk rumah relawan), karena rumah kost laki-laki terpisah dengan perempuan maka aku bersama 4 mobil minibus lainnya ditemani warga beranjak ke atas bukit untuk mengantarkan relawan perempuan ke rumah kostnya di salah satu rumah warga. Setelah smuanya selesai aku pun kembali ke rumah kost yang menjadi istana selama 10 hari kedepan.
Langit mendung yang memberi sinyal akan turunnya hujan lebat menemani sore itu, ku lihat rumah kostku yang gelap tanpa sinaran lampu karena pada saat itu listrik sedang padam, dapur yang luas berlantaikan tanah, 2 kamar tidur dan 1 ruang tamu serta bak mandi besar di samping rumah itulah rumah kost kami yang dihuni oleh 25 orang relawan. Pada saat itulah aku kehilangan ide serta pikiran terasa buntu. Barang logistic yang berserakan ditambah dengan tidak adanya sinyal di handphone ku serta hari yang semakin gelap menambah kebuntuan. Ku dengar desus suara kawanku berbicara tentang banyak pertanyaan yang ditujukan kepadaku, tak satupun dapat ku jawab.
Sambil menarik nafas panjang, aku duduk di dapur sambil merenung untuk mencari semangat yang redup. Memang 3 bulan yang lalu ku lalui hari-hari di zaman serba berteknologi tinggi, di Negara bermata sipit semuanya serba mudah dan lengkap. Sarana transportasi yang cepat, tempat tinggal yang nyaman, teknologi modern serta masyarakat berpendidikan. Tapi hari ini, smuanya terasa berada di alam yang berbeda. Smua keadaan terbalik, seakan-akan aku berada di sisi mata uang yang berbeda. Proses inilah yang sangat mengesankan. Teringat bahwa Allah tidak akan memberi tantangan yang tidak sanggup aku lalui, teringat pula amanah ini diberikan kepadaku karena mereka yakin bahwa aku mampu melewatinya dan kubakar semangat ini dengan kata-kata “kalau pemimpinnya saja sudah lemah, tidak semangat, cengeng apalagi pengikutnya”, ku kumpulkan smua energy yang sudah jauh-jauh hari sebelum baksos sudah kusiapkan, ku ingat kembali smua kata-kata motivasi yang pernah keluar dari bibirku maupun dari bibir teman-teman terbaikku, inilah waktunya mengabdi dan memanfaatkan potensi diri. Langsung kugerakkan langkah memecahkan satu persatu permasalahan serta menuruti saran-saran yang ditawarkan oleh kawan-kawan relawan.
Matahari pun bersembunyi di balik gunung dan gelap malam pun menyapa. Hujan menemani shalat magrib yang dilanjutkan dengan jama’ isya. Setelah itu ku langkahkan kaki menembus gelapnya malam bermodalkan lampu handphone menaiki bukit yang terjalnya hampir 45 derajat plus membawa beberapa barang menuju tempat kost perempuan untuk mendiskusikan beberapa hal menyangkut keadaan serta konsumsi pada malam itu. Kami sepakat untuk makan bersama di mesjid yang berada di bukit pada jam 8 malam. Setelah kembali ke kost aku menaiki bukit untuk kedua kalinya bersama smua relawan laki-laki menuju mesjid untuk makan malam sambil membawa nasi dan air. Karena hujan semakin lebat, akhirnya smua relawan perempuan makan di rumah kost sedangkan kami makan di mesjid. Makan malam pertama kami, ditemani dengan lampu senter, baju yang basah, serta nasi dan ikan seadanya. Setelah smuanya selesai kami pun kembali ke rumah kost yang berada di bawah. Sesampainya di tempat kost, aku harus kembali lagi ke mesjid untuk mengepel lantai mesjid yang kotor dan jorok karena kami masuk dengan keadaan basah kuyup. Langsung kupinjam sepeda motor kepala desa dan membawa kain pel bersama seorang teman. Setelah smuanya selesai langsung kurebahkan badan ini di ruang tamu rumah kost, rumah yang kupikir tidak akan muat untuk menampung 25 badan untuk tidur rupanya pas-pasan dan kawan-kawan tertidur pulas.
Tak terasa smua tantangan kulalui bersama kawan-kawan yang luar biasa, mungkin jika kisah ini diulang kembali tak ada jaminan bahwa diri ini sanggup untuk melewatinya kembali, menaiki dua kali bukit yang terjal bersama barang bawaan serta ditemani hujan. Memang Allah tidak akan memberi tantangan yang tak sanggup kita lewati. Hari pertama penuh kisah di desa Burlah kututup dengan doa syukur dan berharap agar Allah membangunkan jasad ini pada keesokan harinya di waktu subuh.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Internship in Academia Sinica Taiwan, “Engaged with Global Community”
July 25th is my First time to see the sunrise in Formosa (Taiwan) land. I was in Taiwan for internship, starts from July to September 2010 in Research Center for Information Technology Innovation Academia Sinica Taiwan. This program is a part of cooperation between Academia Sinica and Mathematics Department, Syiah Kuala University. Every year start from 2009, 2 students will send to Taiwan to learn open source.
My first in the internship was memorable. In early morning I walked from my apartment to my office. Step foot on that morning much faster and enjoyable. I felt different on that morning, the spirit and my body condition is better than before. I walked like a teenager in Taiwan that runs with an upbeat style while listening to music with headset from my mobile phone. Indeed, the atmosphere that morning was not so oppressive because the streets wet with rain that came down, but the sweat still poured. Walked from my apartment to my office make me become more healthy and fit. I had to hurry, because I should get to the office on time. The day that I arrived in Taipei, Mr. Marr (my advisor in Taiwan) gave map to me, the map that show the direction where is my office.
Apparently here every vehicle running on the right, so I feel a little weird but fun.
After walking for 25 minutes, I arrived at the Information Science Institute building. The map showed the building is the place where I would intern. When the main doors opened automatically I asked the officer at the front desk what floor is for intern students.
That day I met lots of Taiwanese friends, because many researchers at the building said hello and we exchanged business cards. Tim is my mentor. He guided me during the internship. My first task is to learn about Media Wiki. They gave me a week's time to learn about Media Wiki, ranging from installation and modification. But in the afternoon I completed all of my tasks and Tim was very surprised and he confused what should I do next.
Internship in Taiwan is impressive. I had to adapt to new neighborhood. Actually the adaptation process was quite impressive. Tried to get used to with new habit and get used to new neighborhood where not all could run smoothly as I think and unexpected incident sometimes happen. I looked for the answer to make the condition remains stable. It wasn’t easy to get through all this, but I feel the power that was always pushed and watched me one of them is the power of prayer from my parents.
Taiwanese live in modern and advance city. In many cases they are really care about disabled persons, parents, pregnant women and small children. Other rules if you are not in hurry you should walk in right side and if you want to walk quickly you should take left side.
After one month on in Taiwan, experienced many things, there are few complaints and also amazed. I also have a chance to feel Ramadhan in Taiwan. At weekend in the first week of Ramdhan as usual, quite impressive, exhausted and full of challenge, of course accompanied by sore feet, yes .. Although the transportation here is adequate but we still have to walk to find info about transportation or the place we were going to visit. The most experience that really meaningful to me is I have chance to celebrate my Iedul Fitri in Taiwan. That was a first time I celebrated Iedul Fitri not in my home even not in my country. I felt little bit sad, regret and upset but when the day of Iedul Fitri I met lots of Indonesian friends and celebrated it with explore Taipei city.
ICOS 2010
When I was internship I also have a chance to follow International Conference on Open Source (ICOS) 2010, held from September 17-19, in Koahsiung, Taiwan. I was one of the invited speakers. My presentation is about partnership between Aceh and Taiwan Community. On that presentation I explained about Aceh province, Syiah Kuala University, and about Tsunami and earth quake that hit Aceh in December 26, 2004.
I also explain that immediately aids from Taiwanese came just after Tsunami and earth quake hit Aceh. The aids almost 200 tons includes food, clothes and daily needs and Taiwanese also builds many buildings and houses. The aids still continue till now and total of the aids more than 50 million US Dollar. And right now the biggest aids for Syiah kuala University is ICT buildings. The building is use for development ICT in Aceh, also becomes the place to teach computer for teachers. It cost 2 million US Dollars. The aids also come from ADOC, they give 20 computers and 20 laptops.
The partnership between Aceh and Taiwan community also gives chance for young talented Aceh student to internship in Academia Sinica. The program starts from 2009 till now. This program gives chance to Aceh student to learn open source, open their mind about Taiwanese culture and advance technology. They also have chance to communicate with other people and share ideas. Taiwan also sends their student from National Tsing Hua University. From 2008 till now they sent volunteers to teach open source in rural area in Aceh province. The program called E-Mate (E-Learning Medan Aceh Taiwan).
To conclude my presentation, in my opinion the partnership between Aceh and Taiwan community need improvements, because Taiwan and Aceh need each other to develop their country. They need community development to keep this condition such as discussion on mailing list or share with others people to let them now the condition. Taiwan also needs to engage with global community and strengthen the volunteers program. Taiwan needs Aceh because they have to learn about culture and let the Taiwanese communicate with global community with global language, not only mandarin.
Aceh also need help from Taiwan, student from Aceh have to continue their study in Taiwan, and also they need to strengthen the internship program, so Aceh student can learn more not only about open source but also Taiwanese culture.
In ICOS, I also have a chance to engage to global community because in ICOS lots participant from overseas, so we could know each other and had a warm discussions.
My first in the internship was memorable. In early morning I walked from my apartment to my office. Step foot on that morning much faster and enjoyable. I felt different on that morning, the spirit and my body condition is better than before. I walked like a teenager in Taiwan that runs with an upbeat style while listening to music with headset from my mobile phone. Indeed, the atmosphere that morning was not so oppressive because the streets wet with rain that came down, but the sweat still poured. Walked from my apartment to my office make me become more healthy and fit. I had to hurry, because I should get to the office on time. The day that I arrived in Taipei, Mr. Marr (my advisor in Taiwan) gave map to me, the map that show the direction where is my office.
Apparently here every vehicle running on the right, so I feel a little weird but fun.
After walking for 25 minutes, I arrived at the Information Science Institute building. The map showed the building is the place where I would intern. When the main doors opened automatically I asked the officer at the front desk what floor is for intern students.
That day I met lots of Taiwanese friends, because many researchers at the building said hello and we exchanged business cards. Tim is my mentor. He guided me during the internship. My first task is to learn about Media Wiki. They gave me a week's time to learn about Media Wiki, ranging from installation and modification. But in the afternoon I completed all of my tasks and Tim was very surprised and he confused what should I do next.
Internship in Taiwan is impressive. I had to adapt to new neighborhood. Actually the adaptation process was quite impressive. Tried to get used to with new habit and get used to new neighborhood where not all could run smoothly as I think and unexpected incident sometimes happen. I looked for the answer to make the condition remains stable. It wasn’t easy to get through all this, but I feel the power that was always pushed and watched me one of them is the power of prayer from my parents.
Taiwanese live in modern and advance city. In many cases they are really care about disabled persons, parents, pregnant women and small children. Other rules if you are not in hurry you should walk in right side and if you want to walk quickly you should take left side.
After one month on in Taiwan, experienced many things, there are few complaints and also amazed. I also have a chance to feel Ramadhan in Taiwan. At weekend in the first week of Ramdhan as usual, quite impressive, exhausted and full of challenge, of course accompanied by sore feet, yes .. Although the transportation here is adequate but we still have to walk to find info about transportation or the place we were going to visit. The most experience that really meaningful to me is I have chance to celebrate my Iedul Fitri in Taiwan. That was a first time I celebrated Iedul Fitri not in my home even not in my country. I felt little bit sad, regret and upset but when the day of Iedul Fitri I met lots of Indonesian friends and celebrated it with explore Taipei city.
ICOS 2010
When I was internship I also have a chance to follow International Conference on Open Source (ICOS) 2010, held from September 17-19, in Koahsiung, Taiwan. I was one of the invited speakers. My presentation is about partnership between Aceh and Taiwan Community. On that presentation I explained about Aceh province, Syiah Kuala University, and about Tsunami and earth quake that hit Aceh in December 26, 2004.
I also explain that immediately aids from Taiwanese came just after Tsunami and earth quake hit Aceh. The aids almost 200 tons includes food, clothes and daily needs and Taiwanese also builds many buildings and houses. The aids still continue till now and total of the aids more than 50 million US Dollar. And right now the biggest aids for Syiah kuala University is ICT buildings. The building is use for development ICT in Aceh, also becomes the place to teach computer for teachers. It cost 2 million US Dollars. The aids also come from ADOC, they give 20 computers and 20 laptops.
The partnership between Aceh and Taiwan community also gives chance for young talented Aceh student to internship in Academia Sinica. The program starts from 2009 till now. This program gives chance to Aceh student to learn open source, open their mind about Taiwanese culture and advance technology. They also have chance to communicate with other people and share ideas. Taiwan also sends their student from National Tsing Hua University. From 2008 till now they sent volunteers to teach open source in rural area in Aceh province. The program called E-Mate (E-Learning Medan Aceh Taiwan).
To conclude my presentation, in my opinion the partnership between Aceh and Taiwan community need improvements, because Taiwan and Aceh need each other to develop their country. They need community development to keep this condition such as discussion on mailing list or share with others people to let them now the condition. Taiwan also needs to engage with global community and strengthen the volunteers program. Taiwan needs Aceh because they have to learn about culture and let the Taiwanese communicate with global community with global language, not only mandarin.
Aceh also need help from Taiwan, student from Aceh have to continue their study in Taiwan, and also they need to strengthen the internship program, so Aceh student can learn more not only about open source but also Taiwanese culture.
In ICOS, I also have a chance to engage to global community because in ICOS lots participant from overseas, so we could know each other and had a warm discussions.